Why take photos?

An introduction to better photographs. In this section of the course, we start looking at how to make better photographs. We start with how to properly compose a photo based on some well established rules. We also look at the principles and elements of design and consider how they help us make an ordinary subject into an extraordinary photograph.
Topics of Study
open vs. closed composition
the rule of thirds
leading lines
visual design elements: triangles, diagonals and S-curves
principles of design
elements of design
critiquing photography

What is Composition?
A recurring theme throughout this course deals with the difference between a photograph and a quick snapshot. Taking time to plan and be purposeful about your images will help you develop a style and elevate your photography. We begin that process with composition. What makes it into your frame, and what doesn’t?

Principles & Elements of Design
In the same way that a chef must follow a recipe to create exciting and interesting creations in the kitchen, a photographer must use a recipe to help guide him or her toward success. The tools that help guide good creative choices are called the principles and elements of design.

Working with Shutterspeed: Light Painting
Learning to experiment with the controls and understanding the results of changing camera settings is integral to gaining both control and confidence in photography. We will explore light painting and what we can create with this technique.

Showcasing your Photography
Organizing and presenting your photos as an exhibit is an important part of showcasing your work. In this assignment we refine a set of 12 photos, edit and present them, demonstrating our understanding of the principles and elements of design

More Tools, Tips & Tricks
Composing a photo requires instincts and as you get better you're going to compose your shot without thinking about what you're doing. As a beginning photographer though, you'll need to spend a few moments actively thinking about a number of compositional considerations.

Critiquing Photography
How can you, as a beginning photographer know what to improve in your own photography? In addition, how are you able to offer feedback to peers about their work when you are only just learning yourself? How do you make suggestions, without being abrasive? How can you give actionable feedback? The critique process.

Quiz Review
In unit 3 we begin looking at the difference between a snapshot and a photo. We start to get more purposeful with our compositions and look at how planning and being critical helps make better photos.