QUIZ 1.0:
Unit 1 introduces us to the reasons we photograph, the path we took to get to photography today and some important photographs. All of these are covered in a single quiz. As with all quizzes, this will be a Socrative quiz. There are 12 questions (multiple choice and true and false and short answer) covering the topics from this unit.
Here is a study guide.
Paying attention in class and studying before a quiz will pay off.
Go figure.
Well, well, well.
Unit 1 topics:
Anything I said in class and anything on this website is fair game, but knowing the concepts in this list should have you well prepared.
5 reasons we take photographs: list and identify using examples
Important people: re-watch the animated video
Re-read the important people and concepts section of this website
Study your Timeline PDF
Know Daguerre vs. Talbot and their main contributions, the Daguerrotype and the Calotype and know any relevant details
Recognize The View from the Window at Le Gras and Boulevarde du Temple. Know the significance of these photos, who took them and when
Understand (and be able to draw) the basics of the Camera Obscura