There are two assessment pieces for this unit. The theory portion will be covered by a quiz. The quiz covers concepts from unit 4. As with previous quizzes, it will be an online Brightspace quiz. There are currently multiple choice and true and false questions covering the topics from the unit.
There is also a practical skills test assessment where you will be required to demonstrate your command of some of the skills we have learned thus far.
Paying attention in class and studying before a quiz will pay off.
Go figure.
Well, well, well.
Unit 4 QUIZ topics:
Depth of field: 3 considerations
White balance, AWB and usage, colour temperature
Golden hour
Bokeh, considerations
Stopping up and stopping down
Exposure value compensation
Metering modes
Autofocus area modes
Show me,
Unit 4 SKILL TEST topics
As part of your assessment, you will be required to demonstrate some of the camera skills you have been learning in this unit. You will be given a camera (and some equipment if applicable) and a set of tasks, which you will be required to complete. An example of a task might be taking a photo with a shallow depth of field, or taking two identical exposures using different settings.
You should be able to demonstrate the following, having been given verbal instructions:
reset setup options and reset shooting menu
put the camera in auto, aperture, shutter speed or manual mode
switch to manual focus take one photo in focus, one out of focus (while in manual focus)
take an under-exposed photo in well-lit area
take a photo with shallow depth of field
take a photo with wide depth of field
take a grainy photo (using high ISO)
take a photo with the timer
take a photo using (AWB) auto white balance
take a photo using various white balance settings
take a photo that comes out too cold for the available light
change autofocus area modes
change to single-point metering
take a photo in shutterspeed mode at [1/25] shutter speed
take a photo aperture priority at [f5.6]
take a photo with focal length set to 18mm
take a photo with focal length set to 55mm
change ISO, turn on/off auto ISO
display photo detail / display
delete a photo
put a camera on a tripod
remove and replace a lens
and more?