If the levitation assignment doesn't float your boat (get it?) maybe this will.
What would you do if you met your doppelganger? Using the skills you have learned in Photoshop, plan out a single photo (or a series, if you’d prefer) that explores the idea of having a doppelganger. This is an opportunity to get creative with your skills. Having already learned how to plan and scout locations for a shoot, take this idea and run with it.
This can be executed any number of ways
If you already have some Photoshop experience, you have a little advantage here. We will be using masking to create a composite of more than one photo. Spend some time looking at sample images to develop an idea that you want to try with your multiplicity assignment.
Watch the tutorial and start thinking about what your photo is going to be.
Part 2 | IN-CLASS
We will use sample images to do this in class. The photoshop skills are quite basic, and only require you to load the files into a stack, add a layer mask, and draw out the parts of the image you want to show or hide using black or white.