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Photoshop is an incredible software package, capable of a huge variety of tasks. It is massive. We will only scratch the surface of what this program can do, and even that will seem amazing. Learn here, by watching videos created specifically for our class, or from any number of tutorials on YouTube.
There's no limit to how much you can know.
Tutorial 1 | THE INTERFACE
THE INTERFACE: Getting around
This is a quick walkthrough of the interface. You'll learn your way around and what tools, palettes and menu items are. You'll also look at customizing and resetting the interface.
Tutorial 2 | RED BALLOON
RED Balloon: creating a colour splash effect
In this tutorial, we look at how to use an adjustment layer to create a splash of colour in an otherwise black and white image.
Download the image
Tutorial 2B | RED BALLOON (Short)
Already know Photoshop? This is the short version. Just the facts ma'am. Just the facts.
Tutorial 3 | Double exposure
In this tutorial we overlay a nature scene and a self-portrait to create an interesting double exposure photo.
Source downloads:
Image #1: mountains
Image #2: profile image
Tutorial 4 | Mirror Selfie
As part of our upcoming selfie assignment we will be practicing taking unique portraits that create a dynamic and interesting visual illusion.

Tutorial 5 | LR | Black and White
Having taken a number of urban scenes on our Destination Toronto excursion we will look at ways to bring out the best in our photos.

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