We have spent the last few lessons learning how to handle the camera, and getting accustomed to the settings. We have talked briefly about composition and how to frame photos. We have looked at how we can create emphasis and ensure our compositions are purposeful. For our next assignment, we put these concepts to use. Photography is about seeing what others miss. Looking for the magic in the mundane. It takes practice, but by looking for our subjects and then deciding how to frame them, we are starting down the road towards good, mindful photography.
This assignment is meant to 1) get you out taking photographs with a DSLR and learning how to handle the camera; 2) to get you noticing subjects you might otherwise miss; and 3) to start applying some of the compositional concepts we have discussed in class to best frame your chosen subject.
This is a composition exercise. You are making decisions about what does and does not make it into your composition. Your letterforms should be clearly recognizable. This could be based on contrast, colour, or size, but your letterform should be obvious. Be careful to check your background, watch for distractions and busy backgrounds, consider placement and sizing of your subject, use colour and contrast to make your letters pop.
Keeping in mind compositional techniques and tools we have been studying, photograph each of the 26 letters of the alphabet.
The catch: your photos of the letters can not be actual letters (see below for examples). Your letters may be upper or lower case.
It is recommended that you take 50% more photos than you think you will need. That means, on average, 2 of every letter, give or take. Giving yourself some options, and an opportunity to learn and improve is going to help you train your eye and practice your skills. You do not need 2 of every letter. You need about 52 photos. This will give you the opportunity to select your best work.
Create a Flickr album called Alphabet: Body of Work and include all of your work here.
You must create an album called Alphabet: Submission which should be a series of 26 photos, one for each letter. Photos should be named. Using the 'Organizr' function in Flickr, ensure that your album is organized alphabetically. Once uploaded to a Flickr album, submit the link to Brightspace and the Flickr discussion.
Included in your mark will be your demonstrated knowledge and understanding of basic camera operation, application of techniques discussed in class and ability to think critically about your own work.​
Here are some examples of acceptable, and below, unacceptable images:
appropriate size
good contrast
good use of colour
includes texture
appropriate size
good contrast
clean background
appropriate size
good contrast
clean background
To get full marks, you letters should be clear, appropriately sized, and should follow some of the rules of composition we have discussed in class. You are also expected to take photos off school property. This is an assignment, not a completion task and should be treated as such.
Here are some unacceptable images:
this is a stylized letter H
this is the letter P
*exception: this evil genius
on school property
low contrast
no depth
Student exemplars:
There are no specific technical requirements. You should select appropriate settings for the photos you are taking. This means that you might shoot all of your photos in Programmed Auto. Alternatively, you might shoot some using slower shutter speeds or wider aperture settings, depending on the situation. Your photos should have appropriately sharp focus and should not be over or underexposed.